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Dr. Daniel Friedrich 

Research Group Leader and Director of NMR Platform

Daniel Friedrich (name at birth Stöppler) received his Bachelor of Science in 2011 at University of Potsdam, and his Diploma in Biochemistry in 2014 at Freie Universität Berlin. After completing his PhD studies at Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) in 2018, establishing advanced magic-angle-spinning NMR methods to investigate protonation dynamics in proteins, he did postdoctoral work at Harvard Medical School in Boston (USA) on NMR-based analyses of non-canonical translation initiation in eukaryotes. Since 2022, Daniel Friedrich is heading the NMR junior research group at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of University of Cologne.

Selected Awards

  • 2021-2022 Long-Term Fellowship of Human Frontier Science Program
  • 2021 Fellow of German Scholars Organization
  • 2020 Research Fellowship of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  • 2019 Long-Term Fellowship of European Molecular Biology Organization
  • 2019 Ernst Award of German Chemical Society
  • 2017 Young Scientist Award of International Society of Magnetic Resonance



Dr. Philipp Hegemann

After graduating in 2014 with a Diploma in Chemistry at University of Bonn, Philipp Hegemann received his PhD in 2020, specializing in Physical Chemistry. Since 2019, he works as engineer in the NMR Group and is an expert for both hardware and software of Bruker NMR systems. He is also responsible for automation of analytic measurements in the NMR lab. 

Contact details: Room 116A (Organic Chemistry Building), [+49-221-470-] 3874 and philipp.hegemann[at]uni-koeln.de




Kathrin König

As a technician and expert for NMR experiments, Kathrin König takes care of acquisition of NMR spectra of higher dimensionality as well as involving hetero nuclei. She further works on protein purification to produce isotopically labeled protein samples suitable for NMR studies. 

Contact details: Room 113/115 (Organic Chemistry Building), [+49-221-470-] 1787 / 3082 and kathrin.koenig[at]uni-koeln.de






Daniela Naumann

With her rich experience and expertise in performing NMR experiments, Daniela Naumann is responsible as technician for both routine measurements and detection of hetero nuclei, especially for molecules from inorganic chemistry. She also records triple-resonance NMR spectra of proteins.

Contact details: Rooms 113/115 (Organic Chemistry Building) and 212a (Inorganic and Materials Chemistry Building), [+49-221-470-] 1787 / 3082 and 3273, and daniela.naumann[at]uni-koeln.de







Angela Esser


Gabriela Petti (collaboration with Bart Thomma)


Michael Quagliata (collaboration with Ines Neundorf and Anna Maria Papini)


Vincent Berg (collaboration with Uli Baumann)



Students (Alumni)


André Zenz


Benedikt Zeitz


Sebastian von Döllen